
613codyrex t1_iuqtmgp wrote

Yeah no.

CRNAs are not MDs and there’s nothing short of CRNAs going through the same exact process MDs go through to change that.

You call the studies unbiased but they probably are.

CNRAs are being brought into to undercut MDs salaries full stop.

Most people won’t want a nurse putting them under if they’re made aware.


613codyrex t1_itz7uk3 wrote

Well, not really?

Or at least the current troop has failed to?

As a man, Most of the men making these sorts of laws are unaware of basic female anatomy. They aren’t competent enough to make laws for the opposite gender. It’s frankly absurd that man would have equal say for what a woman should do with her body. The same goes for LGBT in terms of marriage and such, your neighbor shouldn’t have control over your personal relationships or decisions as long as it’s consensual.

Would you listen to a non mechanic on how to fix your car? Do you go to your non-doctor neighbor when it comes to medical ailments? Frankly no, or no one should. You don’t ask people who either don’t have formal or personal experience to provide valuable insight or experience as they have neither.

Ideally the whole abortion conversation should have been between women and their doctors only.

Would you be comfortable with a super majority of women government forcing men to have vasectomies or having to use a condom 24/7?


613codyrex t1_itc56xw wrote

Well most nursing home problems are self inflicted.

The owners and managers refuse to pay for additional quality nurses and care staff while underpaying the care staff they do employ which leads to basically bottom of the barrel staff being tasked with taking care of people.

These nursing homes could just not make as much money as possible and it wouldn’t be as much of a crisis but they won’t.