7395715673 t1_ivhphcl wrote

Fwiw, I live in the area and it's not just a nimby issue. The traffic in the area is already a nightmare, adding mass residential units is not going to make that better. There's the ecological issues that has already been mentioned. The whole time this back and forth has been going on between the developer, city council, and the area residents, the people living in the area keep getting railroaded by city council and stack the cards in the developers favor. And BS to the argument of creating affordable housing in Springfield... Almost all the land and properties in my neighborhood is owned or recently purchased by an out of state developer. If it's rezoned and apartments are going to be built, then it's going to be a bunch of trendy, overpriced Prada units that won't have any meaningful effect to people seeking housing that can't afford a Tesla and other inherited privileges.


7395715673 t1_iup1pp2 wrote

Yep. I quit drinking it a few months ago. Never had issues with the gallons that I can think of, but it was a crapshoot with the small bottles from the gas station, regardless of the store. Googled it after I noticed the same thing, and other people were experiencing the same thing, some even allegedly had mold in it.