77096 t1_j1sopcq wrote

Reply to comment by Dragev_ in The Original Fight Club. by Thumperings

> I'm sure both his face and actions were the inspirations for several villains (I'm pretty sure Blofeld is partly based on him)

Not being a huge Bond aficionado, I figured he (or someone very much like him) was an inspiration for Marvel Comics' Baron Strucker. I now see that character was probably ripped off pretty directly from Blofeld.


77096 t1_ix750ni wrote

Yeah, I understand having a beef with anthropologists and their hyper-narratives, but anthropologists are not the only people looking back at the past, as you said.

It's easy to mock the subset of cultural anthro's who think every ancient site or artifact was tied to a "fertility ritual" at the "dawn of agriculture," but they don't speak for everyone.