
7ootles t1_jdh6ex2 wrote

They get that way. Similarly, communities around books that have been adapted can be pretty shitty too. r/brakebills became a total nightmare when The Magicians TV series became big, accepting the series blindly and almost wholly rejecting the trilogy of books it draws from. Those people claim to be fans, but some can be really shitty about the books. I was an OG fan from when the first book came out, was a member of the tiny little Facebook fan group from when it started - but when the series came out and the fangirls started squeeing over it, I was removed for "toxic behaviour" after saying I felt the adaptation missed the point the books were getting at. An admin even messaged me after removing me, claiming I was upsetting other fans.


7ootles t1_j6hgiet wrote

>Every one of his pop culture references is an old movie he saw on ‘TCM’ or ‘his dad’s favorite’ whatever.

OK? I mean I'm in my early/mid-thirties and almost all of my pop culture references are from old films and music I've watched/listened to with my parents. I'd get a 1960s reference more readily than a 2000s one.


7ootles t1_j6hecl5 wrote

I tend to read past that stuff. Some teenagers act and speak differently to "average" teenagers. And some people really love dogs. We see on r/nextfuckinglevel and r/humansbeingbros and elsewhere that some people will risk themselves to save a dog or a cat or some other animal they only just met.

Thing to remember about stories is that, if the main characters were normal people, there would be no story.


7ootles t1_j2ajbkv wrote

>I used to buy my books exclusively on Kindle. I loved the format, but I hate giving my money to Amazon. Then I started buying paperbacks from Barnes and Noble (there are no indie stores within 100mi of where I live), but I wondered if I should be buying hardcovers to get more royalties to the authors. I also frequent the library, but I have no idea what they make off of borrowing a book from there, whether it be physical or digital.

I publish my work on Kindle and my royalty is 70%. I also publish in paperback, again through Amazon, and my royalty there is 60%. When I start doing some of my work in hardback, that will also be at a 60% royalty.

The only way in which my royalties are higher with a physical copy is just that the price is higher. If I charge £3.99 for an ebook, I get £2.80 in royalties - if I charge £14.99 for the same book in hardback, I get £8.99 in royalties. But if I charged the same price for both, I'd be making a lot more off the Kindle version.


7ootles t1_j29ye9x wrote

Reply to comment by slick-rick81 in help needed by slick-rick81

I might even be able to take a crack at transcribing it myself, depending on how the paper/ink has survived. I'll keep my eyes open for any new posts you make about it. Can't help being a little curious now.


7ootles t1_j29qw9v wrote

If you take high-res pictures of each page and post them somewhere, there'll be someone who can read the handwriting and transcribe it. It might be worth doing that before trying to get it restored anyway, just in case.


7ootles t1_iydboj9 wrote

The interest will grow with encouragement, I'm certain. Your son has talent. I can recognize that as a reader and as a writer with a master's degree in it. Your son has a true gift. There is a career waiting for him in his future, as long as he gets the right kind of encouragement. The key thing is not to let it go to his head, but for it to be real encouragement to keep working and improving and stretching himself. Some of the best writers in the world wrote their first stories in the exact same way your son has.


7ootles t1_iydb3ag wrote


Well my previous comment still stands. I hope your lad all the best and keep going. Maybe this is a sign that you and your son should work together to make a book we can buy. I don't know if you can advertize here, but if you make it available such that we can buy copies, I'd be more than happy to "recommend" it on here.


7ootles t1_iyd62si wrote


Set up an Amazon page. When the whole story is told, put it into a single volume and make a book we can buy. I'd buy a copy of that.

I'm not even kidding. I had to keep reminding myself that came out of an eight-year-old's mind. His work is to a higher standard than many adults.

Tell your eight-year-old from me - I'd pay for a physical copy of that. And tell him to keep up the good work.


7ootles t1_iso15ga wrote

I recorded Stephen King's The Dark Tower series for my girlfriend. Reading it aloud made me notice details much better than just reading it had, and performing the characters' parts (ie acting their parts rather than just reading the dialogue) put me in much better touch with who those characters are.