94746382926 t1_je48cqw wrote

Metaverse hype was too early and felt manufactured by Meta. The techs not there yet although it's super close now. Give it one or two more gens tops and we will know whether or not it has legs. Till now the hardware has been too limiting to know if people will actually go for it.


94746382926 t1_jdo7f9x wrote

They already hire plenty of minorities, the comments about them only hiring white people was from the 1880's so it's kind of a stupid critique. I mean go to their website or lookup their TV ads. It's already plenty diverse (probably more diverse than the actual US population).

It's like saying you won't buy a Volkswagen or Hugo Boss because they used to make their shit for Nazis.


94746382926 t1_jdn7juo wrote

Don't take their PR at face value. It's all about saving money by not hiring any models, but they can't brag about layoffs so they spin it into a diversity thing. In reality they probably don't give a fuck who's modeling their jeans nowadays and their skin color as long as it sells product.

Also, the shit about white people was from the 1880's. Not really a fair critique, they hire plenty of minorities these days. Racism is bad for business.


94746382926 t1_jdn79lf wrote

As other people mentioned it has nothing to do with diversity. It's all about not having to hire people and save money. But the PR team isn't gonna say great news everybody, we can lay off all of our models a save a ton of money. So they look for how they can spin it and this is the easiest way.

Same as when coke says they quit making sprite bottles green because it's more eco friendly. It's sneaky PR, they don't give a fuck about the environment it was just convenient to market it that way vs saying we've saved a penny per bottle by getting rid of the green dye.


94746382926 t1_jddue88 wrote

They're not getting much attention right now since Deepmind stays pretty quiet these days an LLM's have the spotlight. But to me they're the most exciting because they seem to hold the most potential for scientific applications. The best performing AI will probably be a mix of many different architectures though if I had to guess.


94746382926 t1_jcjdj3k wrote

The laws of thermodynamics were discovered in 1850. So only about 170 years ago. It's very possible we will find flaws or loopholes in this between now and the predicted heat death of the universe. We have an almost unfathomable amount of time to discover new laws that may exist.