
9wild9 t1_j1vxnt3 wrote

No way this is true. They wouldn’t hold the mail at the office for that many days. 4-5 is the max that this has happened to a few routes every now and then.


9wild9 t1_j1r9rad wrote

I use about 100 gallons a month during the coldest months of the year. Seems like we are using less this year with how warm November was. I filled up my tank (275 gallons) at the end of August and it dropped below 1/4 about a week who. 1200 sq.ft house. Heat at 65 during the day and 58 at night.


9wild9 t1_j1dtuqj wrote

It’s wet and windy but close to 50 degrees so no ice on the roads. Might be some downed trees along the roads. I’d call the hospital and see what they think. It’s actually pretty calm right now and not raining much.


9wild9 t1_izalohd wrote

You always plead not guilty and hope to plead it down to a lesser charge (with a lawyer) or have it dismissed.

If your friend pled guilty right off the bat, they fucked up pretty bad.

Family member of mine recently got charged with aggravated DWI (1st offense). He plead not guilty and actually had the charges dismissed after 3-4 court dates as the police failed to provide discovery to his lawyer. He got very lucky.


9wild9 t1_iyfs94d wrote

Maine was in a severe drought for most of the summer and now we’re getting slightly more rain per month than average and you’re complaining? 😂😂

Nobody cares about your basement and leech-field. If it’s flooding now you’re going to be in trouble when the snow starts melting.

I’d put your your focus on repairing your new house and stop pointing fingers at the sky.