
A1sauc3d t1_jee65ej wrote

Games are complicated products. One part of a specific game can be really good while other parts of that same game are really bad. So even labeling something “mediocre” is reductive. I haven’t played all the games you are talking about, but for cyberpunk they hyped it up to be far more than it was, and they released a severely buggy product at launch. So people were rightfully pissed. Since then it’s received a lot of patches and now people enjoy the game much more.

So not meeting expectations is a big part of it. If everyone is expecting 9/10 experience and you deliver a 6/10 with a bunch of bugs, they are gonna be more upset than if they were expecting a 6 out of 10 and that’s what they got.


A1sauc3d t1_jecree3 wrote

I’m guessing the kinds of people who say “I’d spend SO much money on X game!” Are the type of people who enjoy spending money on microtransactions.

I’d spend like $20 on buying a new pod racing game, but i have no desire to spend thousands of $ pimping my pod with gold drip lol. But some people like that kinda thing. But I don’t think anyone likes p2w lol, at least I haven’t seen anyone say that ever.


A1sauc3d t1_jdkbgkz wrote

Exactly. And I think it’s important for the OP to note that rabies doesn’t “make the host want to bite others to spread the virus”. It simply causes the host to lose fear and become agitated, confused and agressive, which leads to biting incidents. But it’s not like there’s a voice in the animal’s head telling it to go find something to bite so they can spread the infection, like you might imagine with zombies who are hungry for brains or whatever. It’s just a consequence of the behavioral changes. Which as you said, happened to help it spread, yada yada.

This article gets into the details of what’s causing the behavioral changes and such if you’re interested OP:



A1sauc3d t1_j4z0fn3 wrote

How is the headline misleading? Just because Siri along with the trainer caused the false alarm? And not just Siri itself? Doesn’t really seem that misleading lol. It’s pretty much what I was expecting when I went to read the article. What I was expecting from the headline was that someone’s apple product accidentally dialed emergency services, and the sounds of the machines and weights clanking around somehow sounded like gunshots to the operator. So not too far off.


A1sauc3d t1_ivrsyil wrote

Yeah, that’s their reasoning. It’s just BS. Moral of the story, don’t fuck with the police, no matter how innocuous it may seem. Do, however, vote for candidates interested in limiting their power. Because the police get away with far too much. And whether or not they like you and how much money you have seem to be the largest contributors towards whether you see the inside of a cell. Our justice system is broken, you gotta pay-to-win, and being poor or a minority is an offense in and of itself. Sorry, got way side tracked there lol. Just hard not to vent about it when the topic of police comes up.


A1sauc3d t1_iuh3vft wrote

Yeah I think the OP is wrong. Even just by looking at the cctv 500 seems way too high. Obviously could be an illusion due to the angle, but even in that clip it’s not like there isn’t empty space, and to fit 500 people on there they would have to be right on top of each other.

I bet it was more like recommended capacity was 100 and they had 150 on there. But that’s definitely a failure on the bridges end. People aren’t counting heads as they’re checking out this tourist attraction. Something like this shouldn’t have been possible from just a handful of extra people who got a little roust.


A1sauc3d t1_iugsyia wrote

Yeah that’s what the spokes person for the group in charge of its maintenance said. Definitely just sounds like preliminary pr bs to pass off the blame which ultimately falls on their shoulders.

No bridge should be so fragile that a few to many people in any one spot causes the whole thing to come down.


A1sauc3d t1_itsh8mg wrote

Heelies were dope. And they probably still are dope! I had the kind with grind plates across the middle of the shoe, it was a blast. I should get me another pair…

That being said, heelies weren’t trying to be some ultra efficient transportation solution lol. They were just fun shoes meant for kids ;) afaik