
ADinosaurNamedBex t1_j7t3r54 wrote

This is the most important comment. Avoid anything with “gap” in the name or any roads that say trucks can’t pass. Those are signs of steep and winding roads that can be hard to pass on good days.

A note about Route 7 (the main road to Middlebury) - each town is in charge of their own snow removal, so if it snows don’t be surprised if it’s a weird adventure of totally clear and treacherous. I’ve yet to find a rhyme or reason, but it’s good to be aware.


ADinosaurNamedBex t1_j700xoo wrote

Reply to comment by woburnite in Severe weather Saturday by Stockmom42

Work in social services and made some calls today.

Many of the warming shelters are going to be open beyond usual capacity this weekend. Some are breaking out extra cots to put in places not usually designated bedrooms. The list of official shelters can be found here. Transportation is also available.

Some schools have announced that they’re also opening up as emergency warming shelters, but I haven’t been able to identify a full list.

Cold weather housing is in effect. This means that if someone calls 211 without adequate housing, there may be options for housing in motels paid for through emergency funds (as available).

It’s not nearly enough, but it is something.


ADinosaurNamedBex t1_izlywfi wrote

As others said, I was seen by Dartmouth who were able to do an initial work up and rule a ton out while I waited to get in to the headache team. Dartmouth has some technology no one else in New England has, which is cool.

I finally got into UVM for a video appointment because I am seeing an ophthalmologist and he personally reached out. If you can get your foot in the door through a sub specialty, that may also help.