
ADroopyMango t1_j846964 wrote

a piece of paper is much more secure than a database. physical access will literally always take more effort than if I can just steal your shit from the comfort of my own home.

you're talking about trading security for convenience. and you can do that as long as you use some common sense.

for example, you could write down your most sensitive passwords (bank etc.) and do your best to commit those to memory if you're "at the club" as opposed to your ESPN account or whatever where the hack to life impact ratio is minimal. store those in your password manager all you want.

there is no easy way to have 200 passwords lol. it's like having 200 keys on a keychain.


ADroopyMango t1_j82r8m1 wrote

you could also just write some down, can't hack paper

edit: seriously, think about it. why would you want to put ALL of your passwords into the hands of ONE vendor or company? it makes no sense. those services are so worthwhile to hack, it's almost certain they will be targeted. the company may even get hacked and not disclose anything about it to cover their own ass.

just think twice before trusting a random company with the keys to your life. anything you can say about how "secure" 1Password or BitWarden is was probably said about LastPass.

Hacking 1Password

Bitwarden password vaults targeted in Google ads phishing attack
