
ALLoftheFancyPants t1_isw091k wrote

If you want to improve health literacy, social media presence is not the way to go. Its a great way to just dump money, but it’s not going to have results like using that money to improve public education in health and science…


ALLoftheFancyPants t1_ir2omht wrote

I’m not sure how or why you jumped from “increased interaction” to bestiality. Look at Lyme disease, it’s increasing in frequency due to increased habitat (aka deforestation) for ticks in addition more people living in or right near that same habitat. There’s no sex, just existing in the same space, for the overwhelming majority of zoonotic diseases.


ALLoftheFancyPants t1_ir15emv wrote

There’s so many zoonotic diseases that could spillover all the time and in increasing likelihood with habitat loss driving increased interaction between animals and humans. That’s like the OG source for the majority of infectious diseases, throughout history. Its definitely scary and should be taken seriously in making policy choices (ie preserve habitats, monitor populations most at risk, etc) but panic helps no one.