
ANewFireEachDayy t1_ja6tzsa wrote

“Where the hell did that come from? Wait, where did Drew go?”

The other three turned around at Samantha’s questions to look where Drew had been. He knew they could not see his smile, because he also knew he no longer had a face. His entire awareness of self had transformed so quickly that he could barely recall exactly how it had felt to have a human body. Instead his mind was now taking stock of the hundreds of new appendages at his disposal and noting the functions now available to him.

Drew said, “I’m right here guys. I figured if we were going to save this realm we should probably come prepared to deal with anything that might come our way.”

Samantha and the others continued to cast darting glances around the area looking everywhere except for where Drew was resting. Josh and Andy even started walking around him as if they thought Drew was hiding behind himself.

Andy called out, “Are you inside there Drew? If that God has these things sitting around, what does he need us for?”

Andy and Josh leapt away from him as Drew inched himself forward.

He said, “This is me! Once that God said we could choose our forms I knew you would all pick something boring. I get it, but this was clearly the correct choice.”

Everyone stood dumbstruck with their mouths hanging open. Josh was the first to break out of the spell as realization dawned on him. “You chose to be a damned tank Drew?! That was a choice?”

Excitement welled up in Drew’s circuits and he said, “Not a tank Josh. A Transformer!”

His metallic shell began folding in upon itself as other areas began flowering open. Blades emerged and tank treads disappeared while the rest of his body ballooned outward. The impossibly intricate shifting of parts continued until he became a sleek, futuristic helicopter equipped with massive chain guns and a full arsenal of missiles.

“Now get in. We got a world to save!”