
A_Boojum_Snark t1_iy09fpb wrote

Not the one you replied to, but I've always heard "well fed" used with an implication of excess, not as to the quality or correctness.
That said I took their post as spoken from an evolutionary perspective: well fed = resources = begin reproduction sooner. In regards to the "goal" of evolution being reproduction, more food is always a good thing.


A_Boojum_Snark t1_itpylnb wrote

It is, but there are two versions of Sudafed. Pseudoephedrine became regulated after the increase in it's usage for meth production. You can freely purchase it (as "Sudafed" and generic) but it is sold directly from behind the pharmacy counter and they scan your driver's license barcode to track how many milligrams you're purchasing regardless of where you buy it.

The variant on the shelf is labeled as "Sudafed PE" for the PhenylEphrine formulation (kinda dumb since the other drug can also be abbreviated PE, maybe that was on purpose). I'm assuming they brought this to market because they didn't want to lose brand presence by not having a product on the shelf most (uninformed) consumers would be looking at.