
AaronJeep t1_j48nig1 wrote

Apparently a 12oz coke has 39 grams of sugar. I have one cup of highly overpriced coffee in the morning. I do like my three teaspoons of sugar in it. That comes out to about 13 grams of sugar.

So the question is, is that the same bad habit (gram for gram) as someone drinking cokes and energy drinks? Obviously, if someone drinks three or four cokes a day they are getting about 150 grams of sugar to my 13 (all other things ignored), but is all sugar bad, period. Or is there a reasonable amount you can have and not feel like you are poisoning yourself?


AaronJeep t1_iy526g2 wrote

I don't know why people are so suspicious of doctors and drug treatments. I kind of get the desire to believe that drinking tea made from some rare plant on a remote island will cure cancer for you in two weeks. That sounds better than chemo and radiation and surgery and months of recovery with only a 65% chance of surviving it all; for sure. But I don't understand the wild conspiracy stance that goes alone with it. Somehow thousands and thousands of doctors, drug makers and all the other medical professionals are in on this conspiracy to hide that magic tea from you, and that makes perfect sense to people.

Those same people love the mobster movie line, "Three people can keep a secrete... if two of them are dead!" because somewhere they know in their own lives how hard it is to keep a secret, but somehow they will believe everyone in the entire medical profession is keeping a simple cure-all from them and not a single nurse or college researcher has leaked it.


AaronJeep t1_iy1lpb1 wrote

I don't think anyone is intentionally trying to invalidate what you said. t feels more like a matter of semantics. Both guilt and pride can be used differently in different cases. Men and boys are taught to be strong, to be able to defend themselves, to be emotionally in control (boys don't cry), and so on. This may not apply to you, but it is very common for boys who were molested to feel a sense of guilt. The don't feel guilty that it happened, but that they didn't do what they were supposed to do - they were supposed to be strong, they were supposed to be able to defend themselves, they were supposed to be smart enough to see it coming, they should have known better... for a lot of men the guilt is feeling like they should have known better or done something to stop it, but they didn't. Now, like you mentioned there's a sense of shame because the failure to stop it or do something about it made them feel weak, defenseless and powerless. I'll single out humifaction because a person could be (as the word is often used) too proud to admit it. But if a person is saying they are too proud to admit something happened, they are almost taking responsibility for part of what happened. They didn't do the molesting, but they didn't stop it and they are too proud to admit they weren't strong, then some people feel guilty that they weren't strong enough, man enough, etc. to stop it. It's where a lot of men take on a sense of guilt, not over the abuse itself, but because they didn't do what they feel they should have been capable of doing. Again, this may not apply to you, I'm just trying to explain why a sense of guilt is very common and it's not the kind of guilt where you feel like you asked for it, but guilt that you trusted someone or that you didn't fight them off or you got in the car with someone and you should have known better. These are all things that apply to what a person did or didn't do. The feel no guilt over doing the molesting, but they might feel guilt that they didn't do more to stop it and now they are too proud to admit that they feel weak. You can't really feel bad about feeling weak, defenseless and powerless unless you also feel like you shouldn't have been. If you 100% know and accept that it wasn't your fault for trusting someone, or being smaller than someone or being unable to defend yourself... then you are still kind of saying you did something wrong. That's why, for a great many men, sexual abuse carries a sense of guilt. Maybe you are the exception to the rule and that's fine, but being that guilt (over not being a "real man" capable of defending himself) is so very much a common thing for men who are molested, it's not too unfair to think that's what someone might have meant by using the word pride.

I know more about this subject than I wish I did, so I'm not talking all theory.


AaronJeep t1_iuffgvo wrote

Most of the smaller 1.5" pipe drains (sinks, tubs, washers) make their way under the house via PVC networks until they connect with larger 3" and 4" drains used by toilets. You could reroute just the shower drain on millions of homes to a tank and a small put could feed it back to toilets. It would never mix with raw sewage. It wouldn't be reasonable with homes built on a slab, you could still do it pretty easy on millions and millions of homes, apartments and such. That would save millions and million of gallons of water.