
AberrantRambler t1_izjfrwb wrote

I’m not as confident it would just be USB 5.

I could see Apple having made a better port in same way they made better SoCs. It’s not out of the realm of possibility they’ve been iterating on lightning Ike they were SoCs and just not releasing them (it’s incredibly unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility).

Imagine it’s literally what would take until USB 6 or 7 in terms of features for the sake of argument.

In theory if apple must use the standard they’d be prevented from using this obviously better cable.

That’s a bad situation.

Similarly saying to all companies you must make all your innovations out in the open so that way governments don’t accidentally make your better product illegal to implement.


AberrantRambler t1_izje6eo wrote

Mostly - my point of contention with your post was the use of “best” (which I feel is a really tricky word to actually use correctly without being very specific about for which purposes).

I also really have a hard time with people praising usb c/usb 4/thunderbolt as they made an absolute cluster fuck with them all being the same port and I don’t particularly find it to be anybody at the USB consortiums “best” work. And in terms of consumer confusion I’d call it some of their worst.


AberrantRambler t1_izjcql7 wrote

I know you didn’t say that - do you know what an analogy is?

A port designed by committed isn’t going to be the best port for all things - it’s just a standard.

You definitely said it was the best - and it’s most definitely not unless you’re explicitly defining exactly what it’s best for (as there’s plenty of ports/cables that are better for different purposes, or else every single cable you’d use in your life would be the same - ever use a power cord for a desktop PC? Or an Ethernet cable?)


AberrantRambler t1_iw4noto wrote


AberrantRambler t1_iu4c47b wrote

The only people that it would be worth selling to would be the people that couldn’t get the license - you know, exactly the type of people society has said we don’t want to have this drug.

Funnily enough, this is exactly the type of person who would turn on their dealer in a heartbeat if they got caught and were promised some of their drug. Then they can go in the same treatment program as all the people who are denied the license.
