
AbsoluteTruth t1_isrd1em wrote

It's because all GMO efforts so far have failed to yield a banana plant that's sufficiently resistant to Panama Disease.

The most successful effort so far has been a Cavendish/Gros Michel hybrid, but it's only got partial resistance to Panama Disease, and is particularly susceptible to black sigatoka, a different disease affecting banana plants.

The main issue is that edible bananas reproduce asexually and most banana trees are direct offshoots planted from prior trees rather than a new generation of plant, so they don't breed the same way other crops do in order to select for more robust variants.


AbsoluteTruth t1_isrcams wrote

It was pretty much wiped out by Panama Disease and once an area has Panama Disease it's pretty much impossible to cure it. The current main banana is also currently being wiped out by a new strain of Panama Disease.

There's actually a good chance bananas will disappear from grocery stores entirely over the next 15 years because there are no other types of banana that are nearly as edible as Gros Michel and Cavendish.

Once they're gone the only way to get them back to a world-consumed food will probably be GMOs.