
AccomplishedShoelace t1_jeeyl2k wrote

A worldwide law?

FYI there are lots of places in the world that do not have this specific law. Or it doesn't get enforced.

They all have national companies that still use the unsubscribe function. There is a Mimecast guide on keeping your e-mail reputation with ISPs up so you don't get spamlisted. Basically conforming to RFC 2822 SMTP, which includes unsubscribing functionality.


AccomplishedShoelace t1_jee8dyw wrote

They probably use some widely used mailing software to manage sending e-mails to their mailing list/subscribers. Most of these software packages have a setting where you can give the recipient an option to unsubscribe.

Lots of companies that offer e-mail to the standard person (gmail, yahoo) might be more likely to put incoming e-mails without an unsubscribe option on their spam list. If Google puts your company e-mails in the spam box by default, it's much worse (for the advertiser) than giving people the option to unsubscribe.
