
AcidBathVampire t1_iu5tb11 wrote

A guy at Spec's Music (in Miami) showed us Refused-Fanning the Flames of Discontent AND told us about a show they were playing, a few months hence. It turned out to be one of the craziest pits I have ever been in, and that was 16 year old me in that pit. When they started to play 'Hook, Line and Sinker' a fight broke put like right next to me and it didn't ever get broken up and eventually it was just part of the show and people were like running over guys still punching each other. It was nuts.


AcidBathVampire t1_ituqleh wrote

That's what I'm saying. They perceive that something big is near them, but they can't see it because it's so massive that they can't take it in. I would imagine a similar thing might occur if you were swimming in the deep ocean and a whale came past you, the only difference being that you might think "was that a whale?" Whereas a bug is most likely "thinking" "what the hell was THAT?"