
AcidShAwk t1_iyewqqf wrote

I played side missions before main story. This helped me gain weapons and skills that really made the main story cake. There is a point system. If the main story says you're at level 20.. And there are side missions open at levels below 20.. I would do them before continuing on the main story or quest. Just a personal choice but as I mentioned. Really helps you up your skills and combat abilities.


AcidShAwk t1_itnc0gz wrote

> I'm not sure if I understand this... yes, we have pictures facing the opposite way in the universe that also have light that originate from 11.5b years away. Or, are you asking what it would look like if, 11.5b years ago, someone in that galaxy took a picture of us?

Take a volume of space, and position a spherical point within that space.. now draw a vector away from the sphere from 6 equal-distant positions on the spheres surface.

Take a picture from each vector origin in the same direction as the vector.

That would give you 6 distinct images from every possible direction away from the sphere.

Do we have images of 11.5b years ago from every single direction away from the earth?


AcidShAwk t1_itm6fqa wrote

So I'm trying to understand something. 11.5b years for the light to reach us.. Our physical position in space was not here 11.5b years ago. We would have been a lot closer to to wherever this light originated. Does that mean it's taken 11.5b years for that light to finally overtake our position ? Since we are not travelling at the speed of light. And if so.. What have we taken images from literally 180 degrees from that image above to view 11.5b years from the completely opposite direction? I'm trying to understand at what point we look at ourselves and say there is light from 11.5b years ago.. in every direction