
Actionjem t1_j5ten6s wrote

Yes to Dakine! I bought one as a diaper bag 12 years ago. It made it through 2 kids and has now become my daily "everything" bag. Hiking, sports, day trips, camping, literally everything! A clip broke once (shut in the car door) and they sent me a free repair kit.


Actionjem t1_ixul0p6 wrote

I'm not sure what has changed. I went onto the chat to try and find the info and it said this- "If you have lived in a malaria-risk country, we may require a waiting period before you can donate blood. If you spent time adding up to 3 months or more in any country in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996 or a cumulative 5 years or more in Ireland or France between 1980 and 2001, you are not eligible to donate due to concerns about CJD or "mad cow disease". Learn more here."