
Actor412 t1_j863y9k wrote

The problem is that the RCC itself doesnt respect "the sanctity of confession." They have used the information revealed to remove predators from high-income, high-visibility areas and move them to places where they can rape kids & no one will know. ie., Places that oversee native/indigenous kids.

The RCC didn't turn a blind eye to the issue: the knowingly and intentionally promoted it by moving child molesters to oversee kids, as well as bribing and manipulating officials to allow it to continue.

This isn't just a Washington issue. The same modus operandi has been going on across the world, for as long as there are records.

edit: spelling


Actor412 t1_j861ajp wrote

This is a very common kind of post bad faith actors will put out. I call it a what-me-worry post. It's designed to downplay the issue, as well as putting the burden of proof back on the ones exposing the crimes.

Other variants: Are cops really that violent? How come I've never heard of climate change before this? What makes trump so bad, cant we just forget about him?


Actor412 t1_j5ht4p1 wrote

1- If you wanted to comment, you'd make you own thread, instead of commenting on mine. Why bother?

2- The only thing of value you've said on this thread is your claim that "the CC supports it." That was several replies ago. Your signal-to-noise ratio lays heavily on the noise side.

3- If you want to give me a link about the CCs attitude towards the bill, I'd like to read it.


Actor412 t1_j5clok6 wrote

Huh. So even though there has been no hearings on this bill, that it hasn't even been presented to a committee, you claim that "no church testified against it." Since that doesn't make sense, and I assumed you were here in good faith and actually read my post, it was logical to conclude that you were talking about the failed bill on pregnancy crisis centers.