
ActualPhilosopher862 t1_j29dqsi wrote

I think it will be what it has always been. We will get more efficient/productive, maybe even exponentially so, and that will mean there will be a lot more wealth. Everyone will be better off than they are now but everyone will keep complaining they don't have enough. Someone 100 years ago looking at the world today would think there is so much wealth and abundance that everyone must be happy. Someone lower middle class today had more comfort, art, access to knowledge, access to entertainment, etc. than the king of England did 500 years ago.


ActualPhilosopher862 t1_j29avjn wrote

Billionaires made sense to me. I think the point is that they are an example of what it is like when you get everything you want with nothing to keep you in check - you become crazy as you want to be. One a related side note, this is why getting picked on has social utility and an evolutionary basis - it is bad but it does bring you back into the fold of the group when you get too far outside the norm.


ActualPhilosopher862 t1_j16n027 wrote

I personally think much of society has evolved based on some unchanging elements of human nature that are hard-wired in us. Basically, trying to channel our human nature into more positive ways. Ultimately, I think people will find that hard work and community are essential for happiness, and with increased prosperity they will group together into more communal lifestyles centering around things that may not be necessary at that time, but that they enjoy - agriculture, art, etc. Maybe even large groups who completely reject advancements. I think we are already seeing the problems associated with people who are not really connected with anything and that will get much worse before it gets better.


ActualPhilosopher862 t1_iszou05 wrote

It would be the deciding factor for me too, but i'd want NO internet so everyone there would be forced to talk to each other. I'd hate to go all that way just to see a bunch of people staring at their phones. Not much of an adventure that way.