
Adrian1616 t1_jd156qz wrote

A few months ago I did a (not blind) A/B test between Qobuz and Spotify. I had been using Spotify and switched to Qobuz for my at home HiFi listening. I wanted to know if the price and UI difference were worth it to me. After listening to numerous tracks within various genres I concluded that in only a small portion of the time, if I was listening very critically, could I hear a difference. Maybe 10-20%. Same source, just switching playback from one to the other for 20-30ish seconds of a song at a time. I was using my LCD-2Cs in a silent room. I'm 22 and have no known hearing issues. I decided that it wasn't worth the extra money for me personally. Do with that info what you will. Not scientific but I did spend a good while doing it and was honestly rooting for Qobuz.