
AffectionateWheel386 t1_j2cy3jm wrote

I’m in recovery from alcohol for two decades, and I came in very codependent and I still have codependency. It’s a journey not a destination. Good luck to you. I guess I didn’t realize the baby dog was so small. I love dogs and I promise you in three years. That dog will be a champion and do everything the way you want it to but you’re right. A puppy that small is very needy.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_j2ctd5c wrote

OK, you can crate a puppy if you want to go out and it’s not potty trained yet. Also, if you work with a dog, you can train it so that you can leave the house and the dog can stay behind. There isn’t any reason why you can’t leave the house because you have a dog. I’ve had dogs in full-time jobs. I think you’re a little codependent I don’t think you’re an asshole. And meaning you’re over thoughtful and you’re not taking care of yourself. Again train your dog the dog can stay at home while you go out for a couple three hours.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_j2ct39q wrote

It’s your body if you don’t wanna have an abortion do not have one. I’m not against having one if you want one or you feel like it’s necessary, but don’t let somebody talk you into it. You were old enough to take care of a child on your own and make your way in the world people people are doing it much younger ages so if you want baby, keep it.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_j29n8qz wrote

I would come completely clean to both her, and the other girl. Your avoidance of pushing the other girl completely away, is like leaving the back door open. It would read that way to your girlfriend who saw the messages also. They call those EAs or emotional affairs. I believe you never meant to cheat, and physically you did not. The more you come clean to her and see her point of view the more chance you have. The problem with dating is nobody is fully vested in the relationship. It may be hard to fix after this.