
Afin12 t1_j2xz7fr wrote

Reply to comment by AllyEmmie in God of VT? by imanursesowhat

Can you please paint me a picture of Garfield eating a giant house sized lasagne? What will I do with this painting? Nothing. I’ll look at it for ten seconds and laugh at the absurdity and then move on with my life.

I’ll pay you in upvotes.


Afin12 t1_ivalawr wrote

It sounds like you are coming to VT from a different perspective than some of the other flatlanders that we don’t like.

The ones VT’ere don’t like come from NJ or Boston driving a new Range River and buy out a 100 acre plot of pristine forest, cut down 10 acres of beautiful healthy trees and replace that with a 6,000 sq ft “farmhouse style” McMansion complete with a golf course lawn.

I think some of this is jealously, some of this is annoyance at rising property values, and some of it is how it impacts the otherwise middle class simplicity of classical VT.