
AgentIndiana t1_j8fui84 wrote

To all those saying this isn't news or "who cares," I'm sincerely happy you're okay with lgbtq people and that you've never had to face the kinds of fear and stigma lgbtq people face. However, while this may be a non-event to you, for plenty of lgbtq people, happy outings like this are momentous. It provides young lgbtq kids role models and, in sports especially, shows them that they can excel at anything and be accepted despite what stereotypes might say. It's also positive for the lgbtq community because representation like this helps normalize the existence of out lgbtq people in all realms of life and media when a large segment of people are still homophobic to some degree. I hope one day outings like this aren't newsworthy, but we still live in a world where lgbtq people are marginalized and discriminated against and the more high-profile outings like this occur, the better off the lgbtq community is.


AgentIndiana t1_j8epyuo wrote

While I understand the sentiment and it should not be a newsworthy issue in an ideal world, we still live in a world where a lot of people face stigma for being lgbtq. Having roll models who are out can make a world of difference to young lgbtq people as well as help break down stereotypes and normalize out gay people to people who may still hold prejudices.