
Aki_The_Ghost t1_j29yjfr wrote

We need to know what a limit is. It is the value that some variable approaches but never reaches if one of their parameters approaches a certain point. Example : When X approaches but never quite reaches 0, X^2 approaches but never quite reaches 0. It's the limit of x going to 0 for X^2 . The Limit. A limit implies the constant movement of some variable towards a certain point. So we NEED to talk about X, or a variable of any kind, if we want to calculate a limit. He just said the number 2, a constant number, not a variable, we can't work with it.


Aki_The_Ghost t1_iyeqt4u wrote

There is an easy conter argument to what you're saying : flat earthers. Poeple are seriously believing that the earth is flat in an era where humans have literaly visited other planets. It's not because poeple have physics and scientific proofs that dragons didn't exist, that they all knew it didn't exist. Humans weren't a unified entity. They weren't an efficient intelligence that used every imediately aveilable information to make good conclusions. They were humans. Coming across such an enormous lizard-like "bone" could a 100% have caused the dragons' myth.


Aki_The_Ghost t1_iyekck4 wrote

That's really tragic. Some poeple would kill themselves in this situation if they could. I'm trying to see and experience many horrible things on my own pace in order to reduce the shock of it ever happening to me some day, however, my quest seems really impossible to complete, some things out there are really straight up devilish and should never be possible to feel by a human being. Yet a lot of them happened to a lot of poeple. It's indeed a shitty world we're doomed to live in.


Aki_The_Ghost t1_iy8fhby wrote

I have had a case of fetal memory, where you still remember some of the times from your mother's womb. All of the imaginary descriptions of feeling warm and comfortable that I found about it on the internet were completely false in my eyes, because I only felt one thing : nothing. The concept of lift and temperature simply didn't exist, I couldn't know they existed. I just thought I was a bodyless entity looking at the void.