
Alantsu t1_jefzxyx wrote

MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you going to engage on things like this? Like- like Sanders and DeSantis has in terms of issues on gender and issues of race?

GOV. SUNUNU: There should be absolute leadership on that, about what that's about. And this idea that, you know, you have to- you know, we have forced language, that we have forced ideas on our kids that we're going to force anything–-


Alantsu t1_jef2dzx wrote

I think he’s a POS for following the culture wars against trans and LGBTQ. He’s shown he’s more than willing to dump public education for a voucher system. He preaches living free but repeatedly vetos bill to legalize recreational cannabis because he wants the state to have full control, not the “free” people. He promoted raising an already extremely high property tax to give businesses more tax breaks. We have next to no access to mental health services. In all he keeps the state stagnant in hopes of being that “middle road” candidate which just means pro corporate policies with no real help to any of the people. Legacy politicians need to go.


Alantsu t1_j24t27t wrote

Centrifugal forces help to keep an open loop as it applies a tangential and normal force. Also helps aerodynamics and allows the loop to travel further. You can replicate this yourself by shooting a rubber band. First shoot it normal and you’ll see it kinda fizzle out. Now shoot the rubber band again but offset your index finger so one side is tight and the other side loose. You’ll notice the rubber band flies significantly further by inducing this spinning motion as it flies.


Alantsu t1_ivz17t0 wrote

The only reason it hasn’t been legalized is they can’t pay state employees legally to sell it until it’s legalized federally. This was made abundantly clear last year. So NH will never legalize it recreational until it’s legalized federally OR if a loophole is put in the alleged upcoming federal marijuana banking reform.

Edit: if if they do legalize it I’m still not paying $380 an oz when I can get it for $140 from Maine.