
Alert_Engineering_70 t1_jd03ahw wrote

Walking on 6th Ave yesterday near the West 4th St courts , a junkie says to a dealer , how many packets can I get for $8?

The same dealers there everyday, I recognize the addicts as do the police . The drug sales are caught on high definition cameras and nothing is done . It's not even like anyone is subtle about it. The dealers didn't sign up in some state program to sell the stuff the just did it

The mistake the Cannabis sellers made is they tried to go legit, now the deal with the full force of the city/state. If you just start selling whatever you want you're good. Same thing happened in California, the illegal sellers are fine and the legit out of business.

NYS goes the extra mile in making things unpleasant for small businesses because they can. If you're a large company, you could care less about the fines and the state agencies have to navigate the massive corps departments and not the other way around .


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_jaun55d wrote

NYC shouldn't be doing this at all. It's not sustainable or wise to send people from some poorest nations to super expensive NYC. Just another scam where connected friends are getting paid and over charging in the process. $300 a night for a crappy unoccupied hotel room?. Which makes 2 rooms 18k a month (no kitchen or common living area) Anyone in this sub want to lease out their 2 bedroom to the city for 18k a month ?


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j5mign4 wrote

So true. Fucked up for over a year. Lost job. Painful surgeries, nasty infections, loss of mobility will never be able to do the same stuff again. Was fucked up to see the constant pain and suffering. I kept thinking somewhere is a piece of shit Uber driver who ran someone over, condemned them to a year of suffering and they are getting away Scott free. I was shocked about how the police didn't even do a fucking thing . When the detective said to hire a private investigator I was floored. I also couldn't help thinking if that was Cuomo's daughter (or insert anyone famous here) how no resource would be spared to catch the perp. They did tell us, well if you were killed then we would do a full investigation. Not kidding. But I'm naive , I had no idea that the resources dedicated to something is totally political . Just to add, I have 2 dogs and would be devastated if some idiot in a car/truck kill them, so condolences. The bigger point is the city doesn't car if s person is hit, so a dog is really down the list


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j16k00z wrote

This is fucked up that he has to go through this. I live in his district and his office is super responsive . It's his first term on the city council and he's actually taking an interest in the district he represents. NYC would be a better place if we had more like him. I would ask the rhetorical question "what is wrong with people?", but we already have too much data on that. I'm sorry his family and staff have to put up with this.