
AleshiniaLivesStill t1_j9wf1a5 wrote

Nah it’s fine here. It actually checks the OP’s boxes too as long as they’re ok with 300k getting a 600sf house it’s doable. I’m gay and have gay friends here as well as seeing pride flags. Sure, there’s some trumpies and what not but I’ve been here over a year and had no issues anywhere with that. The queer people I live with have been here much longer. If you just mean drugs and shit by “sketchy” it is no worse than south snoho county. I lived there for years.


AleshiniaLivesStill t1_j2u471v wrote

10 tickets?!?!?!? Holy shit yeah that’s a bit much. I’ve had two in my life (one at 19 and one at 35). Didn’t contest the one at 19 (cuz I did it) but had the traffic school opportunity. The one I got when I was 35 was the one similar to OP’s situation. That’s the one that the lawyer got dropped completely for me.


AleshiniaLivesStill t1_izttiag wrote

Because suicidal people aren’t always thinking clearly when the great abyss calls and this is something they could submit on a different day when they aren’t feeling necessarily like self-harm. I think this is a great idea. Can it be misused? Def. I could definitely see some virtue signaling and Facebook bragging by people who would never buy one anyway, but for people who would only buy one to off themselves it’s a great option.