
AlexBucks93 t1_j2435f5 wrote

Coca Cola claims that there were many depictions before their ads, when it’s not true. If you read the guardian piece and compared what is on the Coca Cola website you would see the difference.


AlexBucks93 t1_j241bgx wrote

Sorry for trusting guardian more than coca cola. And as I wrote in the comment you replied they are not saying the same thing. Cocacola claims it popularized the santa claus in the current form, when guardian says that this form was almost in every portrayal in the XIX century.

Weird thing to get your parties in a twist just because someone does not trust your beloved corporation.


AlexBucks93 t1_j23ymba wrote

Not lying about one thing does not Change the fact that we should not trust them

And to add, the link from this trustworthy company does not say the same thing as the link from OP from the guardian.

But Please go ahead and gobble on coca cola propaganda as you wish
