
AlexxxAA85 t1_j9yssg0 wrote

There are a lot of factors that can be affecting your IEMs. The seal of the tips for one. Their tuning, and also the source. First of all tuning wise, Moondrop is not known for bass in the budget area. It is only their more expensive models like the Dusk and Variations that have a more present bass. If you are liking the sound of the xm4 more, then something with more bass to consider is the FiiO FHE, and the IE300. One of my favorite sets that performs well with any genre is the Xenns Mangird Tea 2.

The other thing to consider is the source. From the phone alone you will get descent sound. But IEMs tend to scale with more power. Which DAC are you getting? Give the Aria a chance again with the DAC, and if possible, through s balanced cable. You might hear a difference if the DAC has some good power. If not, give those other IEMs a try and you might like their sound profile better.


AlexxxAA85 t1_j5yaetb wrote

It's awesome that you found something that you enjoy at work rather than some standard BT buds. I did the same thing when I worked at a metal shop. There was lots of very loud noises, or sometime just long days where private music in the ears was a savior. I would recommend you get some Wireless adapter like the Fiio UTWS5, or if you can find them, the LC-BT2.


AlexxxAA85 t1_j5pr9iq wrote

As a married guy with young kids, i don't get much time to listen. So i take advantage every chance i get. It'll usually be during chores like washing dishes or doing laundry. Like this past weekend, i spent about 2 hours cleaning the interiors of our cars. So i took advantage and popped some IEMs with BT. It was so nice. Besides the chores, I'll try to get a little while in bed before falling asleep.