
Alien_Fruit t1_j1sdj6e wrote

Reply to comment by ironangel2k3 in Entropic Watermark by [deleted]

IMHO, capitalism is the ONLY cause of these problems. It is totally dependent on the increase of all goods, on a continuous need for growth and the further enrichment of the already-rich, damn the cost to the poor and the planet. The only sane answer is a equitable economy (it's called Socialism, folks), and the development of a socially moral compass.


Alien_Fruit t1_iw1xq54 wrote

Why is it that this possibility -- of "OWNING" such a human-like entity such a shameful behavior, and yet so desirable to have a constant helpful companion, and still yet so terrifying that the thing will turn around and kill me without a second thought -- why is it so complex!?


Alien_Fruit t1_itk6iqs wrote

Took a screen shot of the first link above -- this is going onto my monitor back-screen ... just to keep me humble. I simply cannot begin to wrap my mind around the vastness of this universe ... one just HAS to think there must be billions of planets out there with intelligent life. I wonder if the human species will ever get to find them -- they are so very far away and may be long gone.


Alien_Fruit t1_itk5xz3 wrote

Very small, indeed!! It may be an African proverb (or that of an Irish mariner - big debate), but there is a saying that I really love: " God, thy oceans are so vast ... and my boat is so small." I would like to see this expressed somehow on the first intergalactic space craft.