
Alkandros_ t1_jcijqh1 wrote

Could you clarify a little more about the addresses? So you originally put down your out of state address and it didn’t work so you had to change it to a prior address you had in state?

If that’s the case I could just mail it to a member of my family in state and have them mail it out to me when they receive it.

Also taking the day off is not an option unfortunately, mailing is sort of my only shot.


Alkandros_ t1_jciir5y wrote

I’m not solely relying on this Reddit post as my single point of information for this process.

It’s just a good way to gather an idea of what to expect before I actually call them tomorrow.

Despite being out of state we are in the same time zone. It is ten o’clock at night right now. Now I don’t know how the DMV works but as a (federal) government employee I can make a pretty good guess that this state government institution probably isn’t open, and probably isn’t taking calls right now.

So yeah, thanks genius, I’ll be sure to call them…when they’re open.
