
AlphabetSoupAllDay t1_j9tnmd1 wrote

Moved back from OR to CT recently. Biggest issues for me so far: — Deer ticks are out Year-round (especially this year due to warm winter). My dog has protection via Lyme vaccine and flea/tick medication but no Lyme protection for me. I can’t freely enjoy the outdoors in the same way I could in OR. — Mosquitoes and gnats are heavy in Summer months (much less buggy in OR and CA based on my experience) — Mentioned before: lack of sidewalks. It sucks to not be able to take long walks right outside my home or any place. Sidewalks vary and are not continuous. — Property taxes on house and vehicles can be crippling depending on what area you live. Though houses appear to be more affordable based on purchase price, check town tax rate to make sure you understand total monthly payments. Compared to OR, it is staggeringly high.