
AlternativeComplex82 t1_j06kol6 wrote

>It allows for that if the issue also is affecting non-rez lands/communities

Correct. As I said, Section 88 allows for laws "of a general nature", and specifically excludes laws pertaining to Natives.

Generally speaking, the only Canadian laws that DON'T apply on reserves are land related ones, which of course makes sense. So provincial landlord-tenant acts have no force on reserves. Everything else, from highway traffic laws to animal cruelty laws apply ... in theory. Enforcing them is another matter.


AlternativeComplex82 t1_j03an2z wrote

Well, I don't have any hard evidence, since no one collects such data, so all I have are anecdotes. You are welcome to visit the rez I live on and listen to the gunshots AFTER dark, which is quite illegal, yet no one does anything about it.