
AmberJFrost t1_iu43ga0 wrote

I don't remember - I trashed all of them a few years ago. It wasn't Ender's Shadow - it might've been Shadow of the Hegemon or Shadow Puppets. I'm pretty sure it was before Shadow of the Giant. The geneticist who made Bean what he was, and then worked with Bean and Petra (by lying about a lot of things).


AmberJFrost t1_iu3hui2 wrote

Creators often wind up putting those odious beliefs into their worldbuilding, or showing opposite beliefs only as wrong/evil. So yeah, I can enjoy some things with Cruise because he's simply acting the part created by someone else. But a creator? Nope. It's why I can't do Bill Cosby sketches any longer.

For writers, I can't read Card, Eddings, MZB, Anthony, or JKR. ALL of them put their gross (and sometimes criminal) worldviews into their worldbuilding.


AmberJFrost t1_iu3hjw8 wrote

Tbh, I quit reading Card's work because every female character has the same arc. She's strong and powerful and then realizes what she really needs is to find a man to submit to and make babies. It's the same arc the (very few) gay characters in his book have - they realize they Are Wrong and Make Babies.

If you want to read other great sci fi, check out Sheryl Tepper (Grass or Raising the Stones), Le Guin (Left Hand of Darkness), Asimov's short stories, Weber's Honor Harrington (stop at around 8, he loses the thread), Campbell, and Scalzi.