
AnBearna t1_j9vvc58 wrote

And you’d be dead wrong.

It suicide in nearly 70% of cases. Check the statistics in the post above the one you just replied to.

We all seem to want the answer to be ‘it’s violent men’ which is sad because it shows how well we are all getting conditioned into thinking that shit. I mean, that’s where my head went first so I’m criticising myself as much as anyone.


AnBearna t1_j889173 wrote

I pay over a grand a month in Dublin for a box bedroom in a house with 3 others. No, I am not an outlier, no I cannot magic more space for my homelab. It’s NUC’s/Pi’s, or nothing.

This is a common problem in Ireland. Too many people in Dublin, and the houses/apartments are small.


AnBearna t1_iyi18m3 wrote

So there’s a few critical obstacles that I can see with the Metaverse concept.

1 Headsets for VR are uncomfortable for long periods and for some people, using them for even short periods can cause motion sickness. I don’t think companies are going to be lining up for devices that make their fancy corporate HQ’s smell of puke.

2 I don’t think they can over come this limitation really without downgrading VR to AR, but that would necessitate a complete reimagining of the Metaverse on Marks part and mean that the 38Bn he’s already spend becomes kind of… toilet paper.

3 The other issue is that to make VR useful beyond video games and AutoCAD, we need to completely redesign the user interface -in software and hardware- of common Office productivity applications like MS Office, Libre Office, etc and I have no idea how you even start that.

4 From learning of the origins of this Metaverse concept coming from sci-fi works like Johnny Mnemonic etc. I find myself thinking that this isn’t going to work because in large part, the publics concept of digital futurism has matured beyond those early concepts which seem cliche at this point. The more I look at it the more doomed it seems, and expensively so.


AnBearna t1_iwsmvms wrote

I don’t know. I’ve yet to see much reported about either person that would trigger Jan 6th levels of meltdown in me!

I’m not American, so for example, I see AOC and Sanders politics at work here in parts of the EU and it works just fine, so from my perspective neither AOC, Pelosi, Sanders, etc come across particularly extreme at all. In fact the joke here was that if Sanders was in Ireland he’d just be a member of the old ‘Progressive Democrats’ and if AOC was in England she’d just be a regular member of the Labour Party. 100% not extreme positions at all, but in America they are considered by their detractors to be so extreme that they are a danger to society. That reaction always blows my mind.


AnBearna t1_iwg8zge wrote

Yep. Seen it happening to my mate in a pool once and pulled him out. He was chatting on minute, stepped back without realising and slipped out of the shallow end to the deep part. No screams, just thrashing. Fucking scary.