
An_Anonymous_Acc t1_j29cjnv wrote

Stand up for yourself.

Think about what an adult would do. If a friend of mine started verbally abusing me, I'd look at him as if they've lost their minds. They don't get to make fun of me. Nobody does.

"Stop being an asshole" is a very effective sentence. So is asking "what's your problem?". Speak it clearly and calmly. If it doesnt work the first time, repeat it, or just roll your eyes and ignore them.

If it continues, find new friends


An_Anonymous_Acc t1_ituro2w wrote

It says a lot that he can get away with saying incredibly wrong statements about black people and slavery, but the second he says bad stuff about Jewish people he gets cancelled

Edit. Not sure why I was downvoted lol. What I said is a fact. He faced little to no consequences for saying black people wanted to be slaves among other racist stuff
