Everyone else when they encounter fractions: Lets solve them to a decimal form so that we can actually use the number.
Americans: lets leave it at that, you don't need to learn more math do you? No just leave it as it is, no need to complicate it more...
Yeah I'm annoyed with the american's use of fractions, worse they use them right along side imperial measurement units... ugh every time I see something like "15/18 inches" I feel the need to scream.
Ancient_Condition96 t1_iyb2ahk wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalGarbage in [WP] "The new species call themselves 'humans', and while their intelligence is on the low end when it comes to interstellar civilisations, their pure mathematical knowledge is far superior to the entire galactic community's." by Mabi19_
Everyone else when they encounter fractions: Lets solve them to a decimal form so that we can actually use the number.
Americans: lets leave it at that, you don't need to learn more math do you? No just leave it as it is, no need to complicate it more...
Yeah I'm annoyed with the american's use of fractions, worse they use them right along side imperial measurement units... ugh every time I see something like "15/18 inches" I feel the need to scream.