
AndarianDequer t1_j01swsv wrote

I think the biggest difference for me is that old school games, you die too quickly, the game is too hard, and for ones that you have to use quarters for, we run out of money too fast. Most of these games are actually a lot of fun and the fun is extended when you can alter the difficulty or continue with infinite lives.


AndarianDequer t1_j01sg42 wrote

I think the biggest difference for me is that old school games, you die too quickly, the game is too hard, and for ones that you have to use quarters for, we run out of money too fast. Most of these games are actually a lot of fun and the fun is extended when you can alter the difficulty or continue with infinite lives.


AndarianDequer t1_iufy77u wrote

I went to college for veterinary technology, one of my professors, a veterinarian, was vaccinated when he was 20. When I was in school he was something around 60 and had a tighter and it showed he was well within the value of being immune still. So his vaccine lasted for him over 40 years. But who knows?


AndarianDequer t1_iqs5qhf wrote

You are correct, anybody that says otherwise is wrong. The DaVinci system does not currently have haptics and never has had haptics. No robotic platform does. The technology is there, I've seen it, I've tried it, but it's not ready for public use. The instruments are more costly when haptics is added in and surgeons aren't willing to pay the additional cost at this time. In the cost is a dramatically decreased, it will absolutely be a thing.