
AndiLittle t1_jefwpls wrote

If you think about it, form follows function. Our language is so complex because our environment requires it. We need a lot of words to express the reality we live in and that the smartest of us were able to create for us. We also need a lot of language to deceive. Other species don't hold elections so they don't need to be that verbose. :) Makes sense?


AndiLittle t1_jef15pc wrote

Just because you don't understand other animals' language doesn't mean it's not there. Do some research on corvids, dolphins, whales and octopi just for a start. As for consciousness, my theory at least is that it has to do with the complexity of your neural network. Whether it is an emergent or intrinsic property to life, that remains to be seen (if ever). It could either emerge from the complexity of our brains, or, the more complex a brain is, the better functions as a receiver of consciousness. Both theories are equally valid in my opinion. Language is just another tool we, living things, use to our benefit, I doubt it in itself gives rise to consciousness.


AndiLittle t1_jdwv5zd wrote

I just came here after a long chat with Socrates to say THANK YOU for posting that link. I was so disappointed by other LLMs, they all feel artificial or unhinged and cringey, but this one felt so human and real and I had so much fun with it! Not sure if it matters much, but you really made someone very happy tonight!


AndiLittle t1_jdlfwtk wrote

It's really not a good idea to scare your cats.

Cats are territorial animals and your house is their territory where they need to feel safe because they are stuck with it.

An unsafe territory can lead to worse behavioural problems. Plus it's not good for the cats seeing the above.

Put yourself in their (very small) cat shoes. Would you like being scared in your home, the one place that is supposed to be your sanctuary and safe spot?

I know this is not the manly man solution you are looking for, but I would look into rather buying or making programmable cat toys that would divert their attention away from the area where you don't want them to be at night. That would keep them entertained and happy and it would solve your problem too. Moving feathers or toys, lasers, catnip etc...

Restricting access to that area can also be achieved by placing a sticky tape or aluminium foil mat in their way, they won't like to walk over it and will go play somewhere else of their own accord.

Use your force for good, OP, you got this!