
Andyk688 t1_j9f7ww5 wrote

I think all the bears are hoping it will go back up because we feel like we already missed a 15 point dive… bulls wanting it to go up too. So today it goes down to 395 but not before whipsawing wildly for 4 hours to ruin everyone’s position who doesn’t have diamond hands. I’ve done my trading analysis for today, I will now buy puts at around 10:30 or 1:30 depending on how much money I feel like losing


Andyk688 t1_j1bqdg1 wrote

My god have you ever used tiger balm before lol??? What did you think was going to happen??? It’s so powerful lol. Other powerful things not to use on your anus: listerine, chili peppers, hand sanitizer. Just in case u get any more horrible ideas lol