
AngieGreg t1_j7wexso wrote

Once again you have some very solid points.

However, luckily we both played Football for a significant period of time. That is why our perspectives are somewhat similar, even though we don't agree with each other 100%. I do not subscribe that CTE is a blanket issue around the entire NFL. High impact situations are apart of the sport, and they are now tackling in a manner that is SO WRONG that when they do impact with their heads naturally, their neck strength is so poor that a concussion is the end result, but that's an entirely different discussion.

I see we will likely not agree on that issue, but at least we are somewhat closer on the perspective that Professional Athletes are Independent Contractors, and should approach their careers accordingly.

Thank you for taking the time to discuss this matter in detail, and sharing your opinion intelligently. It was great meeting you, and I wish you all the best in All that you do, and shall the Sun shine on you and your Family for an eternity.

God Bless.


AngieGreg t1_j7uv9q4 wrote

With respects to your comments, you have to understand that there is a measure of Voluntary Participation when it comes to being a Professional Athlete of any distinction. Being a Professional Athlete is not the same as being a Fire Fighter or a Police Officer. While both have inherent possibilities for injury, by signing up to be a Fire Fighter or Police Officer you are accepting the very high possibility that you may become injured, but that is a JOB. However, there are many Professional Athletes that don't get injured at all. With the advent of the public knowledge of the possibility of CTE for NFL Athletes, it has been exacerbated by the ongoing perception that EVERY NFL Player has CTE when they retire. That perception is incorrect and is grossly misrepresented by public perception.

What the public should think of a Professional Athlete should be the same as an Independent Contractor, who is on a limited contract with a particular company. In so doing, the responsibility to manage and cover your Capital, Assets, Retirement, Taxes, & Healthcare are solely the responsibility of the individual's in question. As much as it would be cool for the Owners of the NFL to provide Life-Long Healthcare for the retired players, BUT one cannot overlook the weight of the Responsibility of caring for your own Money, Assets, Taxes, & Healthcare yourself prior to getting to the necessity for the NFL to pay for your healthcare in the first place.


AngieGreg t1_j7rsak3 wrote

Unfortunately this has been an ongoing issue that has been in place since the 70's. The owners have always side stepped this issue, because if they face it head-on there's no way to avoid that the players activity while playing football for their team caused said long-term injuries.

What people don't realize is that the Owners have taken a very cold perspective on this issue, and it has a level of merit in some ways. What the Owners are not saying is that they believe the Player was compensated in such a manner that they should easily have the funds to cover their Medical Issues. However, even though they were paid very well during their time playing for their respective Teams that they, the Owners, should now be responsible for their Long-Term Health for the rest of their Life's as well.

The true ugly reality is that it is unfortunate that so many Ex-Players have squandered their Money over time, and end up Broke 5-10 years after playing professional Football. Therefore, is it really the responsibility of the Owners to provide Life-Time Health coverage for each and every player that ever played for each team? What company do you know that does that...None.