
AngryWookiee t1_j7fuw4y wrote

Most first world country governments are encouraging farmers to plant more cover crops and do more no till farming. Conventional agriculture is combed with organic practices. I've also read that the 60 years thing is overhyped... even when I look at other articles they are all over the place in the amount of good years left.

Scientists are looking at how to breed/engineer plants that are more efficent in phosphorus uptake. I am not sure what they are doing beyond this. Peak phosphorus was expected be around 2030 but they may have found more sources.


AngryWookiee t1_j7dsqyu wrote


AngryWookiee t1_ixdl4ee wrote

Because the guy I was responding to said "white Americans deny most of these ideals to non-whites for most of the nation’s history". It's white guilt I guess.


AngryWookiee t1_ixdatpf wrote

I don't see how that's any diffent then the USA. At one time whites were the majority of people in states, but all cultures and people were allowed, now skin color dosen't matter and whites will be a minority by 2040.

The same thing Is happening In every developed country in the world. They will all become mixed race and their orginal culture and skin color either won't matter or will be adapted by other people.


AngryWookiee t1_ixd2riu wrote

Aren't a lot of countries such as the USA based on idea of being a melting pot? How is this any different? how many different types of people are in the USA? Do you think it's racist that white people will be a minority in the USA by 2040? The culture doesn't get completey erased it just changes. It doesn't matter what color somebody's skin, hair, eyes, Are etc.


AngryWookiee t1_ixbbr91 wrote

Imagine going to the USA and there is no white people and English is gone. Is it still USA? Of course it is. Talk about being racist. Somehow you were up voted.


AngryWookiee t1_ixbabnc wrote

That's what immigration Is for, to make up for having no kids. Who cares if new people aren't whatever the native culture was and don't hold the same views? It's racist to want to "preserve" the existing culture. Who cares what skin color, hair, language, or religion the new people are?


AngryWookiee t1_ixb3x49 wrote

First of all I should clarify that I am not an American, I was pointing out that soon white people in the USA would also be a minority.

I do not consider America a white country but it was founded by white people from England, I am not sure how we can pretend otherwise. The constitution and the laws that exist today were also made by those very same founders.

I don't know how we can pretend that those very laws/rights that fought for minority's to vote, etc. did not have the support of the population, which unfortunately is/was white. How many white people marched in black lives matter? How many white people were okay with the civil war to free the slaves? Do you think it would have happened if the majority of population didn't support it? Do you think women and minorities voting would have ever happened if majority of population didn't support it?

Its unfortunate that America was founded by white people, but it was. The constitution was unfortunately written by white people too. Minority's and women were treated badly in American history (although not unique to America). The thing is that American as whole came together and changed those things. If the people that control America in the future don't uphold the ideals of the constitution and laws that came before then it was all for nothing.

I don't know why you don't believe that the people coming to the US in future may not uphold the same laws and ideals that Americans do today. Look at how poorly integration is going Europe, which is the primary reason that European politics if moving to the right. What happens when somebody with those extreme views gets political power?


AngryWookiee t1_ixav2zu wrote

Yes they did, but you are forgetting that Americans also fought to change those things and were successful. Non land owners can now vote, women can vote now, black people are no longer slaves, women no longer are confided to the kitchen. It was was a long hard fight for those things for sure, but it just goes to prove that America is capable of change. There is reason people literally risk their lives to come to the USA and other European counties every year.


AngryWookiee t1_ixa1uln wrote

This happening all over the world. Even in the USA white people will be a minority by 2040. You can say I am racist for pointing this out if you want. You can't deny that a significant majority of America's history is made up up of white people. I just hope that whoever runs the USA keeps true to its ideals.


AngryWookiee t1_itez7v1 wrote

It's okay. It's definitely a network TV show with network TV type quality and story. Part of the issue I have with it, is that it spends time focused on modern day and the leap. I find it makes the leap story too short. I think the writing could use a little bit of work, but I have been tuning in every week.