
Animal_Eyes t1_j873yo9 wrote

I agree, well I'd like to see what those keylontic science people have to say about this.

There is an author by the name of Jon Vermillion who may have something to say about this.

If I had the funds and personal relationship, if she was of age and willing and of the same curiosity; I would pay for her to have professional banishing done by my instructor, to see if she can recall or if we can get the mediating spirit (not the dude, but the madness/entity) under some kind of containment.

See the thing that happens is that with these higher dimensional type manifestations, they are tapped into some kind of issue that exists in the visual processing/ light going out of the eyeball sort of deal that is commensurate with the physics of the universe. Basically; a part of the human soul that is physical is the perceptive apparatus, I-e the electricity / light of the soul.

However the true nature of human beings and sentience is a step before which is our symbolic intelligence, you can think of it as subtle patterning that simply exists as a by product of chaos, not causally interlinked, but more like fluid dynamics, completely chaotic and yet a single sentience. So this chaos essentially has the raw quantum materials for connective mediums to build which eventually create physical systems and thus time. But the in between point has some sort of wound in the way biological systems "see" which is to say the way the "light," see what was already engineered before it could "see." (an example would be to imagine if double speak existed in a perceptual visual manner, thus a whole bunch of context would get lost)

This wound is the whole point of anything like this, it's the subject matter of pretty much any geometrically based occultism, the old greek animistic schools of thought, hermeticism etc. There are new pioneers which essentially are breaking down the problem and focus on shadow work, with the intent to discover which geometric systems are actually safe for an upgrade processes.

Point is though this ghost is definitely into that sort of thing, and a lot of people on that spectrum may or may not be trying to heal this wound. You never know, they could be trying to save us, or just another doomed soul with its hand stuck in a tree fucking with the brains for who knows what end.
Without any context from the original material we aren't gonna have a clue.