
Anon_802 t1_j5tadki wrote

This comment actually sums him up quite well and is only missing the fact that he's very much a slimy salesman as well. Like movie character car salesman or a snake oil salesman. He has a long history of owning several different businesses and types of businesses, not so much from his own success, but rather from his wife and her family's money. If he follows his trends, he'll give up 802 pizza eventually and move on to his next random thing. It's very odd knowing he owns a pizza place now. The guy had a real estate magazine at one point before this and it was so annoying how often he pushed that onto everyone.

It's like he has a bunch of random business ideas that he tosses into a hat and every 5 or so years he pulls another one out and pursues it.

This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for every single thing you mentioned, and plenty more, about who he actually is as a person.


Anon_802 t1_j5t9p5k wrote

I know the owner and have for years, and I created this account for the sake of posting this comment. My family has always known his family.

Through the years, the owner will get a random business idea, pursue it with the ton of money his wife has, do it for several years, and then abandon it entirely when he comes up with his next thing.

This is not the problem with him, though.

While he's become smarter about not being so publicly aggressive, and not being so public about his political and religious ideologies, the guy is absolutely, undeniably, a diehard Trump-supporting bigot who in closer social circles is very vocally against LGBT rights, immigrants, and anyone who isn't a far right conspiracy theorist. He's totally QAnon, but pretty close to it.

He always does a good job keeping this to himself publicly up until he finally cracks, and he always, always cracks eventually. His recent comments on the South Royalton Facebook page got plenty of negative attention recently based on other people I've talked to and other comments I've seen on Facebook, but I unfortunately haven't been able to find them. I gave up my pursuit because I'm never surprised at him ever lashing out. If anyone has a screenshot, or a link if it's still up, I'd like to check it out anyway.

He's mellowed down a bit with his responses to reviews recently, but you can get the tiniest glimpse through the cracks as to how aggressive and backstabby he can be with how he has responded to some reviewers. He has a lot of close friends and family who give his restaurants 5 star reviews because he gets buddy-buddy with them, kisses a ton of ass, and convinces them to rate 802 pizza highly. There are people who have had legitimate good experiences with his two restaurants, sure, but he's one of the most artificial people I've ever had the unfortunate experience of knowing for the last 25+ years. He really aims to be a massive snake oil salesman, but a diehard bigoted POS too.