
Antennae89 t1_j28hy5w wrote

I enjoyed it. His acting is the strongest quality of the show, even when getting dragged down by the son who for some reason keeps getting casted. I appreciated how fast the show moved. Many big events would all happen within the same episode, just after the audience learned what was going to happen. Most [Netflix] shows will be dragged out.

A similar show that I thought was executed better was HBOs Into The Night.


Antennae89 t1_j1k1lq0 wrote

I'm sorry but no, "platinum care" couldn't be farther from the truth. Tens of thousands of retired military and war veterans are denied benefits or stuck in never ending run around referrals to get benefits or disabilities approved. In the military we call Tri-care (the military insurance), Try And Get Us to Care.

Have some hope with the recently passed bill allocating enough budget to increase VA benefits 22% to help more much needed vets.