
AnusDingus t1_it2ubdm wrote

I rarely use mine outdoors, and even occasionally indoors so most of the time its just sitting there without much movement by me, and i found out the paint is already chipping/bubbling. Granted i do live in a humid environment, still i thought the paint/coating on the arias were supposed to be better than the starfield but im a fool i guess.


AnusDingus t1_is4wdkn wrote

I kinda empathise with you because I've had the same shit to deal with from topping. My xm3's are also going bonkers out of nowhere due to the software updates. I almost bought the xm4 but luckily i decided to google about xm4 problems. Even the cheaper WF-C500 has hissing noise issues from the get go. Im staying away from sony for now.


AnusDingus t1_is4pmvh wrote

There's been a battery drain issue going on with the xm4's where the right earbud drains within 1hr as compared to the 6 hours of the left one. Its a firmware issue from version 1.4.2 that has yet to be patched.

IIRC only newly purchased earbuds have the new 1.5.0 firmware that kinda addresses the unintended drain.

Those who have the issue have no choice but to send it for repairs/replacement, meaning those who bought it at launch are shit out of luck cuz of expired warranty.

You can look it up for more info im just going off memory. Oh and you cant rollback the firmware without a 3rd party tool, well for the xm3's at least not sure about the xm4.

Edit: Pinned thread on r/sonyheadphones