
AnyChipmunk t1_iybvcxa wrote

As others have said, you can talk to your town's water operator. All EPA guidelines for drinkable water are posted on their website. In all likelihood, the water is drinkable from a health standpoint. But if the water doesn't taste good, you can try a water filter.

Cheaper filters like Brita basically rely upon the physical filtration of the water to remove aromatics that can affect taste. If you want something more robust, Zero Water does actually filter out things like Mn (was used in a heavy metals lab I worked at years ago). This system does take much longer to filter the water, so you need to be more patient than with things like Brita. Other options are to install filtration systems in your house, but that can be expensive and if you rent not really an option.

You can always send in your water to be tested (not sure what the price is these days). Just be sure to follow the instructions (like letting water run for a certain amount of time).