
AnyPen4972 t1_j1cblht wrote

I believe all consciousness stems from one entity that is only deviating among us by matter of circumstances. We are all the same being facing separate circumstances. Each of us will experience the life of every conscious being that has ever or will ever exist with no recollection of the previous as long as we occupy the physical realm, until we learn to separate our consciousness from the temptations of material existence


AnyPen4972 t1_j1carli wrote

How often do you ask yourself,”how did I get here?” Let me make clear that when I say “here” I do not mean the dimly lit room of a pale puke green hue decorated with sloppily drilled and now barren holes scattered across its four walls that I find myself surrounded by now as I write this.When I say “here”I mean to describe the indescribable and inescapable settings we have perceived since our birth. Not only the observable and physical settings, but the setting in which our consciousness finds itself imprisoned within the medium of the physical realm. It begs the question, in my opinion, of whether or not we “got” here so to speak, or if we’ve been here in some sense all along.

The most simple, beautiful, terrifying, yet reasonable answer to give when asked what is it like after we die is certainly that it is much like it was before we were born. This rationalization is based on the belief that there was no experience or observations before our birth. But how far back can you really remember? There is most likely much of your early life that you have no recollection of. This means although you certainly did exist, you have no current access to the experiences and observations you made during those early years of your life. In that same sense is it not possible that you have existed in some form before the event of birth and have no current access to the experiences you made beyond what limited span of memory you can reflect on? The only thing we can know for certain is that we exist, and the only thing we have come to learn is that we know little to nothing at all about the nature of our existence. People often search for meaning to go along with our disposition of self awareness, although nothing suggests in my opinion that any meaning is necessary to explain how our existence came to be. If you believe in god in a religious sense and that some all knowing supreme entity existed before us and created our reality with human kind as its ultimate objective. Where did god come from and how long and aimlessly did they exist before proposing this occupation? Of what framework did they conceive the image of humanity without a physical form themselves? And if our creation was in their own image, who created the image in which they meant to replicate? By this frame of thought you can understand my confusion that anyone amongst us could believe that any answers offered by religious belief are sufficient in explaining anything at all beyond what we all already know… That all we know is that we are to ask, so do not stop asking why we are at all 🙏☀️🌙🌏